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birches, plural;
  1. Beat (someone) with a bundle of birch twigs as a formal punishment

  1. A slender, fast-growing tree that has thin bark (often peeling) and bears catkins. Birch trees grow chiefly in north temperate regions, some reaching the northern limit of tree growth

  2. The hard fine-grained pale wood of any of these trees

  3. A formal punishment in which a person is flogged with a bundle of birch twigs

  1. hard close-grained wood of any of various birch trees; used especially in furniture and interior finishes and plywood
  2. consisting of or made of wood of the birch tree
  3. whip with a birch twig
  4. any betulaceous tree or shrub of the genus Betula having a thin peeling bark
  5. Birch is the name of a certain tree of the genus Betula (Bé-tu-la), in the family Betulaceae, closely related to the beech/oak family, Fagaceae.
  6. BIRCH (balanced iterative reducing and clustering using hierarchies) is an unsupervised data mining algorithm used to perform hierarchical clustering over particularly large data-sets. ...
  7. The Birch is a national undergraduate journal of Eastern European and Eurasian culture. The journal, which is run by undergraduates at Columbia University, is the first exclusively undergraduate journal of Slavic, Eastern European and Eurasian studies in America. ...
  8. Birching is a corporal punishment with a birch rod, typically applied to the recipient's bare buttocks, although occasionally to the back and/or shoulders.
  9. (The Birches (Belgrade Lakes, Maine)) The Birches in Belgrade Lakes, Maine was built in 1916. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1996.
  10. (The Birches (Philipstown, New York)) The Birches is a house at the southeast corner of the junction of NY 9D and 403 in the hamlet of Garrison, New York, United States. ...
  11. any of various trees of the genus Betula, native to countries in the northern hemisphere; a hard wood taken from the birch tree, typically used to make furniture; a stick, rod or bundle of twigs made from birch wood, used for punishment; to punish with a stick, bundle of twigs, or rod made of ...
  12. A tree that grows in northern countries. The wood is hard and pale brownish yellow in color, dense and somewhat heavy. Even though hard, it is easy to carve. Birch bark is waterproof because of its natural waxes.
  13. Bleached birch kraft pulp. Birch is the principal hardwood grade produced in the Nordic countries. Some is also produced in Canada , although for statistical purposes Canadian birch is categorized as northern mixed hardwood - NMHW.
  14. (Canada) A creamy brown veneer with a wavy water-marked figure, Width 8-14 inches.
  15. University Court Apartments, the dark blue apartments closest to Broad St.
  16. A durable hardwood with a light reddish brown grain and a fine uniform texture.
  17. Any of several species of deciduous tree or tall shrubs of the genus Betula. Best represented in the North County by that signature species, the Paper Birch (Betula papyrifera), as well as the shrub-like Bog Birch (Betula pumila). ...
  18. Commonly used for veneer, birch wood may also be used for cabinetry. It is a light colored wood that may be slightly stubborn with stains.
  19. A durable, close-grained hardwood sometimes used to describe a light-wood finish.
  20. A strong, fine-grained hardtimber commonly used in veneer, furniture, flooring, and turned timber products.
  21. A close-grained wood with a satiny texture and capable of taking a fine polish. It may be classified as Red, White, black, and Yellow.
  22. Birch is a medium density hardwood with a distinct, moderate grain pattern that ranges from straight to wavy or curly. The predominant sapwood colour is white to creamy yellow while the heartwood varies in colour from medium or dark brown to reddish brown. ...
  23. One tough American wood, with a light tone similar to maple and fine grain. Birch may have a variety of woodgrain pattern (curly, straight and wavy) and will accept stain to resemble mahogany or walnut.
  24. North American hardwood known for its pliancy and tight grain.