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biotypes 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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biotypes, plural;
  1. A group of organisms having an identical genetic constitution

  1. (biotype) organisms sharing a specified genotype or the genotype (or peculiarities) so shared
  2. (biotypic) of or relating to a biotype
  3. (biotype) a group of organisms having the same specific genotype
  4. (BIOTYPE) a genotypic race (Lawrence. Taxonomy of vascular plants. 1951. p. 741). Comment: Not a nomenclatural term, and in recent times considered too vague for general use.
  5. (Biotype) A naturally occurring population consisting of individuals with the same genetic makeup
  6. (Biotype) A population of a species that differs genetically from another population with respect to host affiliation (also called "host race").
  7. (Biotype) A transcript classification. Transcript types include protein coding, pseudogene, and non-coding RNAs.
  8. (Biotype) Environment in which the fish is found.
  9. (Biotype) Genetically homogeneous population composed only of closely similar individuals; a genotypic race or group of organisms.
  10. (Biotype) Term used to indicate some phenotypic or genetic difference between members of the same species, synonymous with strain for microbial organisms.
  11. (biotype) A strain of a species that has certain biological characters separating it from other individuals of that species.
  12. (biotype) A subspecies of organism morphologically similar to but physiologically different from other members of the species. (5)
  13. (biotype) BVDV occurs as two different biotypes: cytopathic and non cytopathic. The cell damaging effect refers exclusively to cells in a cell culture. The biotype does not account for the virulence of a pathogen. Solely virus of the non-cytopathic biotype causes persistent infections. ...