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BIOSs, plural;
  1. A set of computer instructions in firmware that control input and output operations

  1. In IBM PC Compatible computers, the basic input/output system (BIOS) , also known as the System BIOS, is a de facto standard defining a firmware interface.
  2. BIOS is the third album of the Costa Rican music group Gandhi.
  3. (Bio.) Bio. (and The Biography Channel) is an Australian general entertainment channel available on Australia's Foxtel, Austar and Optus Television pay television services.
  4. (Bio (Chuck Berry album)) Bio is a Chuck Berry album released in 1973 by Chess Records.
  5. (Bio (graffiti tagger)) Bio is the tagger name of Wilfredo Feliciano (born April 20, 1966). He started painting graffiti on New York City subways in 1980, and is one of the founding members of the TATS CRU.
  6. (Bio. (South East Asia)) Bio. is a South East Asian television channel dedicating to biography. The channel was launched on May 27, 2008 by AETN All Asia Networks, a joint-venture between A&E Television Networks and Astro All Asia Networks in Malaysia.
  7. Built-in operating system; Basic input/output system
  8. (bio) Abbreviation of biography; Abbreviation of biology
  9. (Bio) Sideways spin. (Preferably horizontal)
  10. (Bio) A standard Type used to describe a prose biography of a comic creator or other individual. A biographical or autobiographical sequential art comic story may be indexed as a Story.
  11. (Bio) (or biography) A resume in narrative form usually for a printed program or press release
  12. (Bio) Tweets daily a brief description of a supernatural creature, monster, fairy, or spirit. Tweets are randomly selected from a database of about 16,000 entries.
  13. (Bio) The condensed story of a model's life - basically a resume with particular jobs highlighted.
  14. (Bio) graphic design that supports passionate people and open minds. Devoted to creative conception and its evolution. Your partner in design.
  15. (BIO) Biological  (Bathroom break)
  16. (Bio) teamfollowback im 18 from 313 to florida #teamfreak #teamtatted #teamieatpussy
  17. (5. Bio) A prefix indicating that the word has something to do with life, living things, or the science of biology .
  18. (BIO) (prefix) - denotes some aspect of a biological (genetically-related) family. For example, biofamily role-titles are bioparent, biomother, biofather, biosister, biobrother, bio-grandparent, biochild, and bio-kin. ...
  19. (BIO) An abbreviation of the word ‘biography’. Biography refers to a short blurb about the actors or crewmembers that are involved in a production, TV show or film. It is usually displayed in the program or in a press release for a particular project.
  20. (BIO) An acronym used by a player when he or she needs to leave the console to visit the restroom.
  21. (BIO) An implementation of the CHARMM (Chemistry at HARvard Macromolecular Mechanics) force field, developed in the group of Martin Karplus at Harvard University. A molecular mechanics method, or force field, for chemical calculations. Developed for proteins.
  22. (BIO) Biotechnology Industry Organization
  23. (BIO) Born Chris Cavanah in San Diego, California, Mr. Cavanah has spent his whole life thinking that he is better than everyone else. He has never had a self-confidence problem, and has always thought of those around him as being lower than he is. ...
  24. (BIO) similar to an ALC, but with small, flat floors. Typical diameter is about 15 km. The lunar crater archetype is Biot.
  25. (Bio) "A charming, masked soldier. Shy Guys used to serve an evil king named Wart, but they nowadays make a lot of cameo appearances as friendly rivals of Mario. That said, they aren't always good... On the baseball mound, Shy Guys are consistent players with a few weaknesses."