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bioassays 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bioassays, plural;
  1. Measurement of the concentration or potency of a substance by its effect on living cells or tissues

  1. (bioassay) appraisal of the biological activity of a substance by testing its effect on an organism and comparing the result with some agreed standard
  2. (bioassay) subject to a bio-assay
  3. Bioassay (commonly used shorthand for biological assay), or biological standardisation is a type of scientific experiment. ...
  4. (bioassay) The determination of the kinds, quantities, or concentrations, and, in some cases, locations of radioactive material in the human body, whether by direct measurement or by analysis and evaluation of radioactive materials excreted or removed from the human body.
  5. (Bioassay) an assessment of radioactive materials that may be present inside a person’s body through analysis of the person’s blood, urine, feces, or sweat.
  6. (Bioassay) Description: The determination of the activity or concentration of a chemical by its effect on the growth of an organism under experimental conditions. ...
  7. (bioassay) A measurement of the effects of a substance on living organisms.
  8. (bioassay) Inoculation of an infective substance into an animal to see if it develops the same disease as a control animal; other analytical methods that use living cells, tissues, or organisms as test subjects.
  9. (Bioassay) A simple biological test that uses an indicator organism to measure the potency of a given substance in a biological system. An example of a bioassay would be a test that measures algal growth in response to different nutrient concentrations.
  10. (Bioassay) A method of determining the effect of a compound by quantifying its effect on living organisms or their component parts.
  11. "Bioassay" means a test procedure that measures the response of plants or animals, or their tissues, to hazardous substances present in the soil.
  12. (Bioassay) A test in which organisms are exposed to different concentrations of a substance to determine the concentration at which the substance is toxic to that species.*
  13. (Bioassay) Biological tests using specific organisms to quantify the toxicity of contaminated soil and water samples.
  14. (bio-assay) A procedure for the assessment of a substance by measuring its effect in living cells or on organisms. Animals have been used extensively in drug research in bio-assays for the pharmacological activity of drugs. ...
  15. (bioassay) (1) An assay method using a change in biological activity as a qualitative or quantitative means of analyzing a material's response to biological treatment. (2) A method of determining toxic effects of industrial wastes and other wastewaters by using viable organisms.
  16. (bioassay) A method used to determine the toxicity of specific chemical contaminants. A number of individuals of a sensitive species are placed in water containing specific concentrations of the contaminant for a specified period of time.
  17. (bioassay) An experiment carried out for the purpose of screening a perturbing agent in a biological system, measuring one or multiple effect(s) of the agent facilitated by an assay design / assay technology to translate the perturbation into a detectable signal to arrive at one or multiple ...
  18. (bioassay) The quantitative evaluation of the potency of a substance by assessing its effects on tissues, cells, live experimental animals, or humans.
  19. (bioassay) The use of living organisms to quantitatively estimate the amount of biologically active substances present in a sample.