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binomial 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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binomials, plural;
  1. Consisting of two terms

  2. Of or relating to a binomial or to the binomial theorem

  3. Having or using two names, used esp. of the Latin name of a species of living organism

  1. An algebraic expression of the sum or the difference of two terms

  2. A two-part name, esp. the Latin name of a species of living organism (consisting of the genus followed by the specific epithet)

  3. A noun phrase with two heads joined by a conjunction, in which the order is relatively fixed (as in knife and fork)

  1. of or relating to or consisting of two terms; "binomial expression"
  2. (mathematics) a quantity expressed as a sum or difference of two terms; a polynomial with two terms
  3. having or characterized by two names, especially those of genus and species in taxonomies; "binomial nomenclature of bacteria"
  4. two names (genus first, species second)
  5. Scientific name of plants or animals which has two parts: a genus and a species name.
  6. Two Latin names combined, in compliance with the system of taxonomy. Genus and species, for example.
  7. is, according to the Miriam Webster 0n-line dictionary, from "New Latin binomium, from Medieval Latin, neuter of binomius having two names, alteration of Latin binominis, from bi- + nomin-, nomen name ". ...
  8. (or binominal ), a name consisting of two words (i.e. genus + species epithet).
  9. a polynomial algebraic expression or equation with just two terms, e.g. 2x^3 - 3y = 7; x^2 + 4x; etc
  10. The two-part scientific Latin name used to identify plants. The first name is the genus and is a general name that may be shared by a number of related plants. The second is the species name, which refers to the name that is specific to that individual plant (i.e. ...
  11. the unique double name given to each known species: composed of generic epithet and a species, or `trivial', epithet.
  12. buy-NOME-ee-uhl/ A taxonomic name, composed of two separate words, usually of Greek or Latin origin, used to indicate that the organism in question is treated as a species. MORE INFORMATION
  13. The taxonomic naming convention for living things using two names, Genus and species, usually of Latin or Greek derivation.
  14. Two terms separated by addition or subtraction.
  15. [B], PO > NDS, FO away, moves > DS in two small arcs.
  16. This is the name given to a polynomial, which has two variables, for example 6x+2y.