- a machine that cuts grain and binds it in sheaves
- something used to bind separate particles together or facilitate adhesion to a surface
- holds loose papers or magazines
- This is a list of alternate base character classes to the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game. As base classes rather than prestige classes, they can be taken by newly created characters without need for any prerequisites.
- A binder is an ingredient used to bind together two or more other materials in mixtures. Its two principal properties are adhesion and cohesion.
- The surname Binder derives German origin and it is a form Fassbinder (Cooper). It is an occupational name in German forms.
- Ring binders (pronounced bin-der) (sometimes called files in Britain) are folders in which punched pieces of paper may be held by means of clamps running through the holes in the paper. ...
- Someone who binds, particularly someone who binds books; a bookbinder; A cover or holder for unbound papers, pages etc; Something that is used to bind things together, often referring to the mechanism that accomplishes this for a book; A dossier; A machine used in harvesting that ties cut ...
- (Binders) When used in reference to cartridge filters, refer to chemicals used to hold, or bind, short fibers together in a filter.
- (Binders) slang term for a car's brakes.
- (BINDERS (SUPPLEMENTS)) are safe, non-toxic ingredients used to bind the nutrients together into a pill form. One common binder is magnesium stearate.
- (Binders) 2.) What females who don't want to go braless wear.
- (Binders) Additives in the paper making process which increase strength and hardness while decreasing surface fuzz.
- (Binders) Brakes. Used in the expression "jumped on the binders."
- (Binders) Used in the casting process, binders are mixed with sand then hardened to form a mould or core strong enough for casting to take place.
- (Binders) the resins that form the dried surface film of a finish.
- (binders) Brakes, particularly the calipers and pads.
- (binders) machines that both reap and bind grain.
- Binders are added to mold materials in order to create a mold of sufficient hardness. Binders can be either organic or inorganic materials.
- Finish or resin added to the stain, used to lock the pigment and dyes into the wood.
- A preliminary agreement, secured by the payment of an earnest money deposit, under which a buyer offers to purchase real estate.
- Sometimes known as an offer to purchase or an earnest money receipt. A binder is the acknowledgment of a deposit along with a brief written agreement to enter into a contract for the sale of real estate.
- A temporary insurance policy that expires at the end of a specific time period or when a permanent policy is written. A binder is given to an applicant for insurance during the time it takes the an insurance company to complete the policy paperwork.
- A preliminary agreement evidencing a meeting of the minds and effective until the principal agreement can be executed.
- A receipt for a deposit to secure the right to purchase a home at an agreed terms by a buyer and seller.