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Lean meat that is salted and dried in strips,
  1. Lean meat that is salted and dried in strips

  1. meat that is salted and cut into strips and dried in the sun
  2. Biltong is a kind of cured meat that originated in South Africa. Many different types of meat are used to produce it, ranging from beef through game meats to fillets of ostrich from commercial farms. ...
  3. A South African food catogorized by strips of lean meat cured by salting and drying. Similar to American beef jerky
  4. Sticks or slices of meat dried, salty and spiced.
  5. is a national delicacy. Similar to American jerky, but totally different, it is made from spiced slices of meat that are hung up – out of the sun – to dry in the wind. The most common variety is beef, but game biltong is also available. Connoisseurs claim that ostrich and kudu biltong are the best.
  6. Dried and salted raw meat similar to the beef jerky made in the USA. An older Afrikaner delicacy, can be made of ostrich, beef, kudu or any other red meat.
  7. A piece of dry spiced raw meat. Doesn't sound too good but goes down well with a castle whilst watching rugby or cricket at Newlands.
  8. Delicious jerked meat from a number of sources, including ostrich and wildebeest. Biltong can be found in many restaurants and grocery stores.
  9. sun-dried meat Read more about South African food
  10. dried raw meat  - can be pulverised andmixed with suet and dried berries to make pemmican
  11. Biltong, a traditional South African delicacy, is strips of salted dried meat, most commonly beef but venison and ostrich are also used. ...
  12. Like beek jerky in USA, but the real stuff
  13. Strips of sundried meat
  14. Dried raw meat. Originally it was ‘bul tong’ (bull’s tongue). Specially prepared dried raw meat made from beef, venison or ostrich. Specialities are springbok or kudu. Ostrich is tasty. Good biltong is manna to your average full-bodied Surfrikan.