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billow 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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billows, plural;
  1. (of fabric) Fill with air and swell outward
    • - her dress billowed out around her
  2. (of smoke, cloud, or steam) Move or flow outward with an undulating motion
    • - smoke was billowing from the chimney
  1. A large undulating mass of something, typically cloud, smoke, or steam

  2. A large sea wave

  1. a large sea wave
  2. rise up as if in waves; "smoke billowed up into the sky"
  3. move with great difficulty; "The soldiers billowed across the muddy riverbed"
  4. rise and move, as in waves or billows; "The army surged forward"
  5. balloon: become inflated; "The sails ballooned"
  6. In mathematics and science, a wave is a disturbance that travels through space and time, usually by the transfer of energy. Waves are described by a wave equation that can take on many forms depending on the type of wave. ...
  7. A large wave, swell, surge, or undulating mass of water, smoke or sound; To surge or roll in billows; To swell out or bulge