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billed 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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billing, present participle; bills, 3rd person singular present; billed, past tense; billed, past participle;
  1. (of birds, esp. doves) Stroke bill with bill during courtship

  1. having a beak or bill as specified; "a thick-billed bird"; "a long-billed cap"
  2. (billing) charge: request for payment of a debt; "they submitted their charges at the end of each month"
  3. (Billing (birds)) The beak, bill or rostrum is an external anatomical structure of birds which is used for eating and for grooming, manipulating objects, killing prey, probing for food, courtship and feeding young. ...
  4. (Billing (filmmaking)) Billing is a performing arts term used in referring to the order and other aspects of how credits are presented for plays, films, television, or other creative works. ...
  5. (Billing (giant)) In Norse mythology, Billingr (or Billing) is the father of a maiden (whose name is not provided) desired by Odin. ...
  6. (billing) Amounts billed; Accounts receivable
  7. (Billing) Preparation of the freight bill, the primary document for a common carrier shipment including a description of the freight, number of pieces and charges
  8. (BILLING) The order of the names in the title of opening credits of a film or TV show.
  9. (Billing) The act of preparing an invoice.
  10. (4. Billing) Customer will continue to receive one monthly electric bill processed and provided by CL&P or UI. Payment is due to CL&P or UI in accordance with their standard billing practices. ...
  11. (13. BILLING) All client billing cycles are based on the day that the Customer signed up for Service initially. The Customer will receive an invoice within 7 days before their account becomes due. ...
  12. (4.1 Billing) You must give us a valid credit card number when the Service is activated. If the card expires, you close your account or your billing address changes, or the card is cancelled and replaced owing to loss or theft, you must advise FMM at once. ...
  13. (5 Billing) After the initial invoice, which covers the first four months of service, WTS will submit invoices on the first day of the month of the next quarter. If payment is not received by the last day of that month, service will be discontiued. Billing cylces are based on calendar months. ...
  14. (6. Billing) My invoice is normally submitted with any report or valuation advice. There may be circumstances where the invoice will follow shortly after, but no later than 28 days after the initial report. ...
  15. (BILLING) For open credit accounts, please fill out our credit application form. These accounts are subject to our open account terms, satisfactory credit references and are subject to approval. ...
  16. (BILLING) If you have purchased a package that is billed monthly your credit card will be charged every month on the day you first purchased ANY products. ...
  17. (BILLING) Please note that we do NOT charge your credit card until your order enters the shipping/delivery process. We verify prices and stock as part of our shipping procedures. If an item's correct price is lower than our stated price, we charge the lower amount and ship you the item. ...
  18. (BILLING) Rent plus printing and installation costs must be paid in full prior to posting.  Printing and Install Costs are a separate and independent invoice.  Complete Payment is required for 3 month campaigns. ...
  19. (BILLING) We require a $15.00 minimum sale for invoicing, and $25.00 minimum sale for credit card purchases. We will issue the maximum quantity to meet the minimum charge. There is no minimum sale amount for cash pick ups at our warehouse counter.
  20. (Billing) (1) The money spent by an advertising agency on behalf of its clients; (2) The physical despatch of invoices and statements.
  21. (Billing) A carrier terminal activity that determines the proper rate and total charges for a shipment and issues a freight bill.
  22. (Billing) Advertisements will be invoiced two months prior to the shipment of Research World. Payment should be received within 30 days of the invoice date. ...
  23. (Billing) Also known as patient accounting or patient financial services, this is the department responsible for sending out and trying to collect on medical bills from insurance companies within hospitals or other healthcare facilities
  24. (Billing) Although it sounds like it’s referring to how much money you’re going to make, it’s not. Instead, billing refers to Hollywood’s other form of currency – NAME VALUE. An actor’s billing refers to where their name pops up in the opening/ending credits of a project (film, TV, etc). ...
  25. (Billing) An operation in which the power company calculates and specifies the amount owed by the customer for the consumption of power over a specific period of time and other items linked to the characteristics of the customer's power supply.