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bilges 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bilges, plural;
  1. Break a hole in the bilge of (a ship)
    • - she was hopelessly bilged, her back broken
  1. The area on the outer surface of a ship's hull where the bottom curves to meet the vertical sides

  2. The lowest internal portion of the hull

  3. Bilgewater

  4. Nonsense; rubbish
    • - romantic bilge dreamed up by journalists

  1. in a vessel with two hulls, an enclosed area between the frames at each side
  2. (bilge) water accumulated in the bilge of a ship
  3. (bilge) cause to leak; "the collision bilged the vessel"
  4. (bilge) where the sides of the vessel curve in to form the bottom
  5. The bilge is the lowest compartment on a ship where the two sides meet at the keel. The word was first coined in 1523.
  6. (Bilge (disambiguation)) Bilge is a Turkish name and may refer to: * Bilge Ebiri (born 1973), Turkish-American journalist and filmmaker * Bilge Kağan, Turkish ruler * Bilge Kösebalaban (born 1980), Turkish musician * Bilge Umar (born 1936), Turkish writer
  7. (bilge) Lowest section inside a boat's hull where water collects.
  8. (Bilge) Intersection of bottom and side. The lower parts of holds, tanks and machinery spaces where bilge water may accumulate
  9. (Bilge) the low point inside the kayaks hull
  10. (Bilge) The point of greatest curvature between the bottom and side of a canoe.
  11. (Bilge) The flat, or nearly flat, part of a ship's bottom.
  12. (Bilge) The very bottom of a ship’s hull, also nonsense.
  13. (BILGE) Lower internal part of a boats hull.
  14. The bilge is the compartment at the bottom of the hull of a ship or boat where water collects so that it may be pumped out of the vessel at a later time.
  15. (bilge) The lowest part of the interior of the boat where water collects.
  16. (BILGE) to undercut, to stab in the back, make another look bad.
  17. (Bilge) Nearly horizontal portion of the vessel's bottom, inside or out.
  18. (Bilge) The lower part of a ship's hull, extending outward from the keel to port and starboard to where the sides rise vertically. Any water in a vessel will collect there, thus ships always "pump their bilges".
  19. (Bilge) The lower part of the ship were waste water and seepage collect. "Yuk, the mess cook is making this coffee out of bilge water."  Bildged.  Fail and examination.  "Jones bilged her dc quals (damage control qualifications)."  Also, refers to denting the side of a ship.
  20. (Bilge) The lowest deck of a ship, often filled with rats, where stagnant water (called bilge water) that couldn't be pumped out of the ship became utterly toxic.
  21. (Bilge) The odour/flavour stimulus associated anaerobic bacterial growth and which is illustrated by the intense rank odour of bilge water.
  22. (Bilge) To put someone down.
  23. (Bilge) Where the hull's bottom turns up into its sides. See chine.
  24. (bilge) nonsense, foolishness or the lowest parts of a ship that fill with stinking water
  25. (bilge) protuberance of a cask