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bilbo 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bilboes, plural; bilbos, plural;
  1. A sword used in former times, noted for the temper and elasticity of its blade

  1. The bilbo, a thrusting-sword, seems to take its name from its place of manufacture: Bilbao (in the Basque country of northern Spain), famed for its sword-blades, and formerly known as Bilboa in English. Bilbos have well-tempered and flexible blades.
  2. A rare surname; A fictional hobbit whose name is Bilbo Baggins and who is the protagonist of The Hobbit and a character of the Lord of the Rings trilogy
  3. TFD: An iron bar to which sliding fetters are attached, formerly used to shackle the feet of prisoners.