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bilayer 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bilayers, plural;
  1. A film two molecules thick (formed, e.g., by lipids), in which each molecule is arranged with its hydrophobic end directed inward toward the opposite side of the film and its hydrophilic end directed outward

  1. A bilayer is a double layer of closely packed atoms or molecules. The properties of bilayers are studied in condensed matter physics, often in the context of semiconductor devices, where two distinct materials are united to form junctions (such as p-n junctions, Schottky junctions, ...).
  2. A double layer of amphiphilic molecules, arranged such that either the nonpolar ends are on the inside screened by the polar ends or the polar ends are on the inside screened by the nonpolar ends, depending on whether the solvent is polar or nonpolar.
  3. A double layer of lipid molecules with the hydrophilic ends oriented outward, in contact with water, and the hydrophobic parts oriented inward.