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bikers 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bikers, plural;
  1. A motorcyclist
    • - her biker boyfriend
  2. A member of a motorcycle gang or club

  3. A cyclist
    • - a mountain biker

  1. rockers: originally a British youth subculture that evolved out of the teddy boys in the 1960s; wore black leather jackets and jeans and boots; had greased hair and rode motorcycles and listened to rock'n'roll; were largely unskilled manual laborers
  2. The Bikers of Oz are a White prison gang from the fictional television show Oz that are heavily tattooed and quick tempered. As white prisoners are the minority in the prison they are often in alliance with the Aryan Brotherhood as they are extremely close with its leader Vernon Schillinger. ...
  3. The Bikers was a series of science fiction novels written in the early 1970s by Richard Gordon under the pen name Alex R. Stuart.
  4. (Biking) Cycling, also called bicycling or biking, is the use of bicycles for transport, recreation, or for sport. Persons engaged in cycling are cyclists. or bicyclists. ...
  5. (biker) A person whose lifestyle is centered on motorcycles, may be a member of an outlaw motorcycle club; A person who rides a bicycle
  6. (biking) The sport of riding a bicycle
  7. (Biker) A motorcycle rider. In contrast, a cyclist is a bicycle rider.
  8. (Biker) A Motorcycle Lover. True bikers have a passion for the art of motorcycling, and easily get all wrapped up in this passion during even a simple ride. True bikers do not care about brand, style culture, other than to be on two wheels. Just for the joy of a ride will do.
  9. (biking (food)) a wild yam; Tasaday staple food until the mid-20th century when they learned of natok, etc. from Dafal (see below)