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Bigfeet, plural;
  1. A large, hairy, apelike creature resembling a yeti, supposedly found in northwestern America

  1. large hairy humanoid creature said to live in wilderness areas of the United States and Canada
  2. Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, is purportedly an ape-like creature that inhabits forests, mainly in the Pacific Northwest region of North America. Bigfoot is usually described as a large, hairy, bipedal humanoid.
  3. Bigfoot is a 1970 horror science fiction film which in spite of its low budget consisted of some well-known actors and family namesakes in the cast.
  4. The Quantum Bigfoot brand was a series of hard disk drives produced by Quantum Corp. in the mid to late 1990s. The Bigfoot series was notable for deviating from the standard form factor for hard drives. While most desktop hard drives use a 3. ...
  5. The characters in the Canadian science fiction-fantasy television series Sanctuary are predominantly "abnormals": advanced humans or creatures, and the show centers on bringing other abnormals to the Sanctuary in the fictional Old City, for the purpose of protecting the public, as well as the ...
  6. Bigfoot, introduced in 1979, is regarded as the original monster truck. Other trucks with the name "Bigfoot" have been introduced in the years since, and it remains the most well-known monster truck moniker in the United States. Bigfoot 4x4, Inc. is owned and operated by its creator, Bob Chandler.
  7. BigFoot was a racing game released in July 1990 for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It was developed by Beam Software and published by Acclaim. ...
  8. To control or manage forcefully; to exercise authority over; To behave in an authoritative, commanding manner
  9. A humanoid creature, similar to the yeti, said to live in the forests of the northwestern USA; Alternative spelling of bigfoot
  10. A mythical bulky, hair covered, humanoid which appears to possess both human and ape-like characteristics.
  11. Hairy biped or 'wildman' which inhabits mountains or woodland.
  12. A steel pad mounted on the bottom of the dropbolt. Used when the floor or countertop can not be drilled to accept a drop bolt socket. This is for crowd control, not a high security option.
  13. Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, is believed by some to be an ape-like cryptid and by others to be the product of imagination.
  14. A quad that is shaped like a big freaking trojan horse. Lacking any sort of guidance system at all, its tactics consist of firing a random assortment of numerous missiles enough to blow a hole in the moon. ...
  15. (kiddie battery powered jeeps)