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bifid 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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(of a part of a plant or animal) Divided by a deep cleft or notch into two parts,
  1. (of a part of a plant or animal) Divided by a deep cleft or notch into two parts
    • - a bifid leaf
    • - the gut is bifid

  1. divided into two lobes; "a bifid petal"
  2. A structure with two distal tips, as in unequally bifid seta.
  3. Divided into two parts by a groove, usually in reference to HINGE TEETH (figure: Periglypta listeri).
  4. this means a body part or tissue has cleft into two parts or branches.
  5. Forked into two or y-shaped. Sometimes forked at the very end.
  6. term used to describe a situation where there is a distinct midline groove such as a bifid tip or a bifid columella. This feature can be corrected with rhinoplasty.
  7. Two-cleft or two-lobed.