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biers, plural;
  1. A movable frame on which a coffin or a corpse is placed before burial or cremation or on which it is carried to the grave

  1. a coffin along with its stand; "we followed the bier to the graveyard"
  2. a stand to support a corpse or a coffin prior to burial
  3. A bier is a stand on which a corpse, or coffin or casket containing a corpse, is placed to lie in state or to be carried to the grave.
  4. (Biers) Ankh-Morpork is a fictional city-state which prominently features in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series of fantasy novels. As cities go, it is on the far side of corrupt and polluted, and is subject to outbreaks of comedic violence and brouhaha on a fairly regular basis. ...
  5. a litter to transport the corpse of a dead person; a platform or stand where a body or coffin is placed
  6. (Biers) Some churches, particularly those with long paths, have a conveyance to carry the coffin to and from the funeral service.   These strange vehicles can sometimes be seen discreetly tucked away at the back of the nave or in a side aisle.
  7. (Biers) is a pub frequented by creatures of the night, usually lumped together as "undead", though they can include werewolves and bogeymen. Difficult to find, unless you happen to be "the right sort." It is often compared to Cheers but with the tagline "Where everybody knows your shape". ...
  8. To see one, indicates disastrous losses and the early dissolution of a dear relative. To see one, strewn with flowers in a church, denotes an unfortunate marriage.
  9. Movable stand for carrying a body to its grave.
  10. A flat wooden tray for carrying the dead.
  11. Billing Information Exchange Record
  12. beer (Bierkrug is a beer stein)
  13. A bier is a moveable frame on which a corpse or coffin is placed to take to the grave. To be laid on a bier shows that your hopes and dreams will see fruition. For a relative to be laid on a bier signifies that you will receive a legacy. Dreaming of a friend on a bier denotes advancements.
  14. is also the German and Dutch word for beer.