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biennial 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Taking place every other year,
  1. Taking place every other year
    • - summit meetings are normally biennial
  2. (esp. of a plant) Living or lasting for two years

  1. A plant that takes two years to grow from seed to fruition and die

  2. An event celebrated or taking place every two years

  1. (botany) a plant having a life cycle that normally takes two seasons from germination to death to complete; flowering biennials usually bloom and fruit in the second season
  2. having a life cycle lasting two seasons; "a biennial life cycle"; "parsnips and carrots are biennial plants often grown as annuals"
  3. occurring every second year; "they met at biennial conventions"
  4. (biennially) every two years; "this festival takes places biennially"
  5. (Biennials) A biennial plant is a flowering plant that takes two years to complete its biological lifecycle. In the first year the plant grows leaves, stems, and roots (vegetative structures), then it enters a period of dormancy over the colder months. ...
  6. A plant that requires two years to complete its life-cycle, germinating and growing in its first year, then producing its flowers and fruit in its second year, after which it usually dies; Happening every two years; Lasting for two years
  7. (Biennials) plants that only live for two years. Normally the plant would grow during year one but the plant would not flower until its second year.
  8. A plant whose normal growth cycle spans two growing seasons. Many biennials produce roots and a cluster of leaves near the surface of the ground the first year; flower, produce seed and die the second year.
  9. Use of a timeshare week every other year. Owners are often referred to as either "odd" or "even" year owners.
  10. A plant which lasts for two years. The first season is a leaf and shoot growing phase, during which energy is stored for the second season's flowering. Biennial vegetables are cropped after the first year. Examples include parsnips and carrots.
  11. When the lifecycle of a plant, from germination, flowering to death, occurs in two years.
  12. Plants that grows for one year without flowering, then produces flowers/fruits in the second year before dying.
  13. A plant that completes its life cycle in two years.
  14. Occurring on a two-year basis. Biennial plants live two years, flower, and then die; they must be propagated from seed or cuttings. See annual and perennial.
  15. completing the full cycle of germination to fruiting in more than one, but not more than two years, and then dying
  16. Publications or events appearing every two years. Compare with bi-annual, twice a year.
  17. (L. biennium, a period of two years)  In botany, a plant which completes its life cycle within two years and then dies. For most biennial plants, the two growing seasons have to be separated by a period of cold temperature sufficient to induce flowering and fruit formation.
  18. plants, like the name implies, take two years to complete a life-cycle. Usually, the first year the seed germinates and produces mounding, basal (rosette-shaped), vegetative growth usually just above or at the soil line. This growth is evergreen and carries through the winter.
  19. The URJ Biennial occurs every other year, when there is not a NFTY Convention. This is a massive gathering of all the adult leaders of the Reform Jewish movement. Biennial also has a NFTY Youth track for NFTYites to take part in.  The most recent Biennial was in November of 2009 in Toronto. ...
  20. A plant sown one year to flower or fruit the next, then dying or being discarded. Many vegetables are biennial, but are treated as annuals and harvested in their first year before they have flowered.
  21. Biennials flower the second season and die. But many will reseed themselves and keep right on kickin’, like hesperis (sweet rocket). Other examples: digitalis (foxglove) in Zones 4-7, and dianthus in Zones 3-7.
  22. A plant which completes its life cycle over two growing seasons. Relatively uncommon in the North Woods, where one example is the Pale Corydalis (Corydalis sempervirens).
  23. A plant that lives for 2 years. Takes 2 years to complete life cycle. Ussually growing vegitative parts first year and reproductive parts the second.
  24. A plant that takes two years to grow into maturity. Most need a cold winter to continue growing. Some plants grown for their leaves are beiennials but are harvested during the first year and destroyed so they dont' actually reach maturity. ...
  25. A Plant that normally lives for two years, then dies (On purpose!). Seed is sown in Year 1 and the flowers appear in Year 2. For instance, Foxgloves, Forget-me-nots etc   usually seed themselves in the soil right after flowering - if you allow them to! ...