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biddy 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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biddies, plural;
  1. A woman, usually an elderly one regarded as annoying or interfering
    • - the old biddies were muttering in his direction

  1. hen: adult female chicken
  2. chick: young bird especially of domestic fowl
  3. Biddy is a given name, and may refer to: * A character played by Mary McEvoy in Glenroe (1983 - 2001) * Biddy Anderson (1874-1926), South African cricketer * Biddy Baxter (21st century), English television producer * Biddy Early (1798-1874), Irish traditional healer * Biddy Mason (1818-1891), ...
  4. a woman, especially an old woman; especially one regarded as fussy or mean or a gossipy busybody; an attractive little girl; (Colloq) - An Irish serving woman or girl; A name used in calling a hen or chicken, often as "biddybiddybiddy"
  5. Hen. Also used to refer to a nagging or complaining woman.
  6. used mainly in the US referring to an Irish maid servant.
  7. female servant usually of Irish stock
  8. A laying hen that is over one year old.
  9. Another term for chicks or baby chickens.
  10. old lady—any woman over 30.