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bicultural 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Having or combining the cultural attitudes and customs of two nations, peoples, or ethnic groups,
  1. Having or combining the cultural attitudes and customs of two nations, peoples, or ethnic groups
    • - there is too little recognition of the children's bilingual and bicultural status

  1. Biculturalism in sociology involves two originally distinct cultures in some form of co-existence.
  2. Relating to something or someone adapted to two separate cultures
  3. (Biculturalism) near nativelike knowledge of two cultures; includes the ability to respond effectively to the different demands of these two cultures
  4. Identifying with the cultures of two different ethnic, national, or language groups. To be bicultural is not necessarily the same as being bilingual. In fact, you can even identify with two different language groups without being bilingual, as is the case with many Latinos in the U.S.
  5. In Massachusetts, its most common to hear the word 'bicultural' used to refer to individuals who not only are bilingual in English and Spanish, but have also grown up living as a part of both American and Hispanic or Latino culture. ...
  6. A person who is bicultural has the ability to function effectively and appropriately and can select appropriate behaviors, values and attitudes within either culture.
  7. knowing and applying different rules for competent behaviors in two cultures.