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bicameral 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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(of a legislative body) Having two branches or chambers,
  1. (of a legislative body) Having two branches or chambers

  1. composed of two legislative bodies
  2. consisting of two chambers; "the bicameral heart of a fish"
  3. In government, bicameralism (latin bi, two + camera, chamber) is the practice of having two legislative or parliamentary chambers. Thus, a bicameral parliament or bicameral legislature is a legislature which consists of two chambers or houses. ...
  4. A bicameral alphabet has two alphabets joined. The Latin alphabet, which you are reading, is an example; it has an uppercase and lowercase. Unicameral alphabets (the Arabic and Hebrew alphabets) only have one case.
  5. Term describing a legislative branch that is divided into two houses, such as the United States Congress which consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate.
  6. A script that distinguishes between two cases. (See case.) Most often used in the context of Latin-based alphabets of Europe and elsewhere in the world.
  7. describes a script with two sets of symbols that correspond to each phoneme, most often upper- and lower-case. See also unicameral. Examples of bicameral scripts include Roman (or Latin), Greek, and Cyrillic.
  8. Having two houses of Parliament. All Australian Parliaments are bi-cameral except Queensland (which abolished its Upper House in 1922) and the Parliaments of the ACT and NT. (see unicameral)
  9. A two-House system of government.  Canada' s Parliament is bicameral; it has a House of Commons and a Senate.
  10. A legislature which has two separate chambers. In Barbados, they are the Senate and the House of Assembly. The two Chambers may or may not have equal privileges and powers, but are quite distinct from each other. This bicameral system has a significant impact on the way Parliament works.
  11. The division of a legislative or judicial body into two components or chambers.
  12. CONGRESS HAVE TWO* GROUP, where the first sign is C-MEMBER.
  13. A two-house Legislature.
  14. a legislature comprising two chambers: an elected Lower House, and an Upper House, originally with Members who were appointed rather than elected. The Commonwealth Parliament comprises the House of Representatives and the Senate. All state parliaments excepting that in Queensland are bicameral.