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biannual 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Occurring twice a year,
  1. Occurring twice a year
    • - the biannual meeting of the planning committee

  1. semiannual: occurring or payable twice each year
  2. (biannually) twice a year; "we hold our big sale biannually"
  3. A serial publication issued twice a year.
  4. Anything that occurs once every other year is considered to be bi-annual. [See: All System Track Finals.]
  5. Publications or events appearing twice a year. Compare with biennial, every two years.
  6. This type of timeshare may be used every other year.
  7. A plant whose life cycle extends over two growing seasons. The first year the seed germinates and produces a seedling that usually remains short of the winter. The second growing season the seedling rapidly grows, flowers, produces seeds and then dies.