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bey 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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beys, plural;
  1. The governor of a district or province in the Ottoman Empire

  2. Formerly used in Turkey and Egypt as a courtesy title

  1. (formerly) a title of respect for a man in Turkey or Egypt; "he introduced me to Ahmet Bey"
  2. the governor of a district or province in the Ottoman Empire
  3. Bey is a Turkish title for chieftain, traditionally applied to the leaders of small tribal groups. In historical accounts, many Turkish, other Turkic and Persian leaders are titled Bey, Beg, Bek, Bay, Baig or Beigh. They are all the same word with the simple meaning of "lord". ...
  4. A governor of a province or district in the Turkish dominions; also, in some places, a prince or nobleman; a beg; as, the bey of Tunis
  5. The ruler of an independent emirate; the governor of a sanjak; a title of respect for the men of the upper classes.
  6. (ba)n. 1. A provincial governor in the Ottoman Empire. 2. A ruler of the former kingdom of Tunis. Used as the title for such a ruler. 3. Used formerly as a title for various Turkish and Egyptian dignitaries.[Turkish, from Old Turkic beg, ruler, prince.]
  7. (also beg):  a Turkish military leader.
  8. (Leader of people: Bey)