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bevy 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bevies, plural;
  1. A large group of people or things of a particular kind
    • - he was surrounded by a bevy of beautiful girls
  2. A group of birds, particularly when closely gathered on the ground
    • - a bevy of quail stayed through winter, feeding on our locust beans

  1. a large gathering of people of a particular type; "he was surrounded by a bevy of beauties in bathing attire"; "a bevy of young beach boys swarmed around him"
  2. a flock of birds (especially when gathered close together on the ground); "we were visited at breakfast by a bevy of excited ducks"
  3. Bévy is a commune in the Côte-d'Or department in eastern France.
  4. An over-abundance of something; A large group, especially of women or birds
  5. A term used to express a company or number of Roses, etc., same as a cluster or bunch.