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bevel 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bevels, plural;
  1. Reduce (a square edge on an object) to a sloping edge
    • - a beveled mirror
  1. A slope from the horizontal or vertical in carpentry and stonework; a sloping surface or edge

  2. A tool for marking angles in carpentry and stonework

  1. cut a bevel on; shape to a bevel; "bevel the surface"
  2. two surfaces meeting at an angle different from 90 degrees
  3. a hand tool consisting of two rules that are hinged together so you can draw or measure angles of any size
  4. A beveled edge refers to an edge of a structure that is not perpendicular to the faces of the piece. The words bevel and chamfer overlap in usage; in general usage they are often interchanged, while in technical usage they may sometimes be differentiated as shown in the image at right.
  5. An edge that is canted, one that is not a 90 degree angle; To give a canted edge to a surface
  6. (Beveled) An angled part or surface, usually an angle other than a right angle.
  7. (Beveled) Clapboards that are tapered rather than cut perfectly rectangular
  8. (Beveled) Boards cut at an oblique angle prior to covering, as opposed to the standard 90 degree cut.
  9. (Beveled) Any surface that is cut at an angle less than 90 degrees.
  10. (Beveled) A stone cut at angles for a more decorative display.
  11. (Beveled) refers to a blade edge, a stem side edge or a stem base which was steeply flaked across one or more faces which produces a noticeable slope.
  12. A beveled edge on a timber board means that the edge is not at 90 degrees to the face of the board. This is used when constructing the ledges for shed doors. The beveled edge does not allow water to accumulate and initiate rotting of the timber.
  13. Beveled is the name given to an angled part or surface. Used more frequestly for gemstone descriptions.
  14. (Bevels) Dice that have been shaved on the corners to favour certain numbers.
  15. The angle of the front edge of a door usually from 1/8" to 2."
  16. A sloped surface contiguous with a vertical or horizontal surface.
  17. Cold glass (usually clear, thick plate) with edges that have been ground and polished to an angle other than 90 degrees. Transmitted light is refracted and a prism-like effect results. ...
  18. Beveling removes sharp edges from an extruded object by adding additional material around the surrounding faces. Bevels are particularly useful for flying logos, and animation in general, since they reflect additional light from the corners of an object as well as from the front and sides.
  19. Cutting or shaping the edge or end of a material to form an angle that is not a right angle, such as the bevel cut on the window edge of a mat.
  20. an angle cut or grinded at the edge of the work-piece to allow more penetration for a stronger weld.
  21. A shallow angle applied to the circumference of one side of a piece of glass, usually used on small pieces of decorative glass divided by zinc or brass came.
  22. The bevel is the sloping area(s) that fall from the spine towards the edge and false edge of the blade.
  23. a three-dimensional effect that can be applied to text elements and clips in the application.
  24. Cut and polished edge usually on plate glass at an angle other than 90°, done in stages with roughing, smoothing, cork and felt wheel polishing.
  25. Adding a bevelled effect to a graphic image gives the image a raised appearance by applying highlight colours and shadow colours to the inside and outside edges.