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bettors 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bettors, plural; betters, plural;
  1. A person who bets, typically regularly or habitually

  1. (bettor) someone who bets
  2. A Bettor is a person who makes bets based on particular information , or feeling, on sporting or other events in the hope of gaining financial profit.
  3. (Bettor) American term for ‘Punter’.
  4. A bettor is an individual who makes bets. This text assumes that bettors will be making a sports bets against a book.
  5. (Bettor) A person who places a bet.
  6. (Bettor) Someone that’s placing bets. It’s synonym in the UK is “punter”.
  7. (Bettor) The guy that bets. ;-)
  8. (Bettor) While in a hand, the first person to act by placing a bet is referred to as the bettor.