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betel 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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betels, plural;
  1. The leaf of an Asian evergreen climbing plant that is used in the East as a mild stimulant. Parings of areca nut, lime, and cinnamon are wrapped in the leaf, which is then chewed, causing the saliva to go red and, with prolonged use, the teeth to go black

  2. The plant, related to pepper, from which these leaves are taken

  1. Asian pepper plant whose dried leaves are chewed with betel nut (seed of the betel palm) by southeast Asians
  2. The Betel (Piper betle) is the leaf of a vine belonging to the Piperaceae family, which includes pepper and Kava. It is valued both as a mild stimulant and for its medicinal properties.
  3. a spice chewed with palm nuts (also known as betel nuts), bui vine, powdery calcium oxide|lime fromsnail animal shell|shells, and other ingredients
  4. leaf chewed by both men and women.  Also called paan.
  5. The commonest traditional stimulant of southern and southeastern Asia is betel. Like pituri and coca, betel is customarily made up as a chewing packet that includes ash. ...
  6. evergreen climbing plant indigenous to parts of Asia and cultivated as a commercial crop in Madagascar, Bourbon and the West Indies; its leaves contain a stimulant and digestive aid.