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bestseller 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. best seller: a book that has had a large and rapid sale
  2. A bestseller is a book that is identified as extremely popular by its inclusion on lists of currently top selling titles that are based on publishing industry and book trade figures and published by newspapers, magazines, or bookstore chains. ...
  3. Bestseller A/S is a privately held family owned clothing company based in Denmark. The company was founded in 1975 and has 10 brands. Today, Bestseller has well over 5,700 stores selling its product in more than 43 contries, which makes it one of the largest fashion companies in Europe.
  4. A bestseller in music is a song or album listed at or near the top of a hits list or chart such as the Billboard charts produced by Billboard magazine which published its first hit parade in 1940. ...
  5. A book or other product that has sold in large numbers
  6. A book that, among those of its class, sells very well at any given time, as any impressive or influential work with popular appeal and financial success; also called "blockbuster". See instant book, book. [nb: "The worth of a book is to be measured by what you can carry away from it. ...
  7. Bestseller refers to a collection of popular books, CDs, DVDs, and videos which are charged for. See our Bestseller collection page for more information.
  8. Many works were bestsellers at the time of their original publication and then perhaps fell into oblivion. Some others were totally ignored at the time of their publication but later became, suddenly, very popular. ...
  9. the gilded tomb of a mediocre talent.