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bestiaries, plural;
  1. A descriptive or anecdotal treatise on various real or mythical kinds of animals, esp. a medieval work with a moralizing tone

  1. (bestiary) a medieval book (usually illustrated) with allegorical and amusing descriptions of real and fabled animals
  2. A bestiary, or Bestiarum vocabulum is a compendium of beasts. Bestiaries were made popular in the Middle Ages in illustrated volumes that described various animals, birds and even rocks. The natural history and illustration of each beast was usually accompanied by a moral lesson. ...
  3. (Bestiary (album)) Bestiary (2001) is an album by the American ambient musician Robert Rich. This album showcases the musical concept that Rich has long referred to as “glurp”. It evokes a frenetic and surreal landscape inhabited by a wide variety of bizarre organisms.
  4. (bestiary) A medieval treatise of various real or imaginary animals
  5. (83. bestiary) (n.) a medieval allegorical or moralizing work on the appearance and habits of animals.
  6. (Bestiary) A collection of moral tales or fables originally written in the Middle Ages about real or mythical animals. The tales often had an allegorical dimension.
  7. (Bestiary) Britannia has seen many beasts in it's time. All have there own different appearances and behaviors. Here is a listing of the many creatures seen since the dawn of Sosaria:
  8. A bestiary with legendary and mythical creatures.
  9. and Bestiary 2: Pathfinder's version of the Dungeons & Dragons v3.0 and v3.5 Monster Manuals. The Pathfinder Bestiary includes over 350 monsters designed for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. ...
  10. Medieval books on animals, in which the real or fabulous characteristics of ...