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bestial 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Of or like an animal or animals,
  1. Of or like an animal or animals
    • - Darwin's revelations about our bestial beginnings
  2. Savagely cruel and depraved
    • - bestial and barbaric acts

  1. beastly: resembling a beast; showing lack of human sensibility; "beastly desires"; "a bestial nature"; "brute force"; "a dull and brutish man"; "bestial treatment of prisoners"
  2. (bestially) in an inhumane manner; "she treated her husband bestially"
  3. Bestial is a 1982 music album by the Spanish group Barrabás. It was the band's eighth and penultimate album, and the last to feature several members including long-time vocalist José Luís Tejada.
  4. Beast-like
  5. by Ray Garton (2009), a sequel to Ravenous.. The werewolves from the previous novel band together to infect citizens via intercourse and take over a small northern California town.