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besotted 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Strongly infatuated,
  1. Strongly infatuated
    • - he became besotted with his best friend's sister
  2. Intoxicated; drunk

  1. very drunk
  2. Alcohol intoxication (also known as drunkenness or being drunk or inebriated) is a physiological state occurring when an organism has a high level of ethanol in its bloodstream, or when ethanol otherwise causes the physiological effect known as drunkenness. ...
  3. infatuated; intellectually or morally blinded; intoxicated
  4. (besottedness) The state or quality of being besotted
  5. 1. infatuated. 2. foolish; confused. 3. intoxicated, stupefied.
  6. a crush or infatuation with another individual.