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besoms, plural;
  1. A broom made of twigs tied around a stick

  1. a broom made of twigs tied together on a long handle
  2. Besom brooms are traditionally constructed brooms made of a bundle of twigs tied to a stouter pole. They are still made today and sold at garden centers as an outdoor broom. They are the broom traditionally associated with witches. ...
  3. (Besoms) Brushes used in Curling to smooth the ice ahead of the stone.
  4. (besoms) brooms; bundles of twigs
  5. A broom often used by Wiccans or other Neopagans to purify a circle or other sacred area before a ritual is conducted.
  6. A Witch's broom usually made from birch and willow used to purify spaces.
  7. besom, 1. A bundle of rods or twigs used for birching. 2. An implement for sweeping, usually a bunch of broom, tied round a handle; a broom. [Also (Scottish), a low woman!!]
  8. [Is.14: 23] A broom or brush made of twigs for sweeping.
  9. "bay-shum" The witches' broomstick. European folklore tells of witches riding their brooms through the sky which may be an uninformed explanation of astral projection. As a tool the broom is used to sweep a sacred area, ground a circle, or to brush away negative influences.
  10. Originally a broomstick (supposing connected to witch), but now means a cheeky hussy, loose woman,
  11. This word comes from the Old English “besema” or “besma” (circa 800 CE), meaning a “bundle of twigs” which was used as a broom or as a flail.  The Old Frisian word for a broom is also “besma”.  The modern Dutch word for broom is “bezem”. ...
  12. A magickal broom, often used for ritual cleansing of sacred ground. No, witches do not fly upon them as superstition has claimed. That myth came from early on during the persecutions of the pagans by the Christians. ...
  13. A witches broom, usually round.  Over which a couple jump during a handfasting or used to "sweep" away bad energy.  It is never used to actually sweep the floor it instead sweeps negativity away.
  14. A straw broom used by Witches in certain Wiccan ceremonies such as Handfasting and the Sabbat of Candlemas. Although the broom has always been associated with Witches, it was never actually used for flying as the legends of olden times claim. ...
  15. (beh-som) a besom is a magical broom used during ritual for purification by sweeping away negative energies. Besom often refers to the small handheld type.
  16. broom; is used to symbolically sweep the circle clean before ritual
  17. A witch's broom. Used to magically sweep away negativity from a magical ritual site. Can also be used in household magic.
  18. A bundle of twigs attached to a handle used to cleanse and purify sacred space. Essentially a Witch's broomstick.
  19. The witches’ broomstick. Often used to sweep away negative energies from a space before casting a circle there.
  20. 1.n. In Wiccan practice, a broom used to cleanse an area of unwanted energies.
  21. Some traditions see the besom/nbroom as others use the athame or wand. It is often used to sweep physical debris and meta-physical negativity from a place to serve as sacred space, ie. casted circle.
  22. A ceremonial broom.  Brooms have long been associated with Witches and magic and are frequently used in rituals.
  23. A Wiccan Tool. The original term for the Broom. See Broom.
  24. (bay-som): Witch's broom