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beside 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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At the side of; next to,
  1. At the side of; next to
    • - he sat beside me in the front seat
    • - on the table beside the bed
  2. Compared with
    • - beside Beth's idealism, my priorities looked shabby
  3. In addition to; apart from
    • - he commissioned work from other artists beside Rivera

  1. (besides) making an additional point; anyway; "I don't want to go to a restaurant; besides, we can't afford it"; "she couldn't shelter behind him all the time and in any case he wasn't always with her"
  2. (besides) in addition; "he has a Mercedes, too"
  3. Besides is the final release from 90's alternative rock band Sugar. As the title suggests, it collected the various B-sides from their previously released singles. ...
  4. (Besides (Over The Rhine album)) Besides is a compilation of outtakes, previously unreleased songs, and live recordings by Over the Rhine, released in 1997. ...
  5. (Besides(Do Make Say Think EP)) Besides is an EP by Do Make Say Think. It was released in December 1999 by Resonant Records in a vinyl-only format and is now out-of-print.
  6. Next to; at the side of; Not relevant to
  7. (Besides) is an adverb or preposition that means "also, additionally": I would enjoy going on a vacation besides working all the time.
  8. (Besides) mathematics, we learn physics and chemistry. (We study three subjects.)
  9. (besides) andan başha, andan sora
  10. (besides) lena chois sin [lenu khosh shin]
  11. Sophisticated metal designs and elegant dials fulfill and enhance these handsome dress watches. BESIDE gives exquisite form to time spent exploring life's possibilities.