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besets 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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besets, 3rd person singular present; beset, past tense; beset, past participle; besetting, present participle;
  1. (of a problem or difficulty) Trouble or threaten persistently
    • - the social problems that beset the inner city
    • - she was beset with self-doubt
    • - poverty is a besetting problem
  2. Surround and harass; assail on all sides
    • - I was beset by clouds of flies
  3. Hem in; enclose
    • - the ship was beset by ice
  4. Be covered or studded with
    • - blades of grass beset with glistening drops of dew

  1. (beset) harass: annoy continually or chronically; "He is known to harry his staff when he is overworked"; "This man harasses his female co-workers"
  2. (beset) assail or attack on all sides: "The zebra was beset by leopards"
  3. (beset) encrust: decorate or cover lavishly (as with gems)
  4. The decorative arts is a traditional term for a number of arts and crafts for the making of ornamental and functional works in a great range of materials including ceramic, wood, glass, metal, textiles and many others. ...
  5. (Beset) Bes (also spelled as Bisu) was an Egyptian deity worshipped in the later periods of dynastic history as a protector of households and in particular mothers and children. In time he would be regarded as the defender of everything good and the enemy of all that is bad. ...
  6. (beset) To surround or hem in; To attack, especially from all sides; To decorate something with jewels etc; Of a ship, to get trapped by ice
  7. (Beset) (?) Literally means ‘to turn’. This is a foot dragging technique.
  8. (Beset) Said of a vessel when she is entirely surrounded by ice.
  9. (Beset) Surrounded. eg - a bee hive beset with bees diversely volant.