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beseeched 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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beseeched, past participle; besought, past participle; beseeches, 3rd person singular present; besought, past tense; beseeching, present participle; beseeched, past tense;
  1. Ask (someone) urgently and fervently to do something; implore; entreat
    • - they beseeched him to stay
    • - “You have got to believe me,” Gloria beseeched him
    • - they earnestly beseeched his forgiveness
    • - a beseeching gaze

  1. (beseeching) begging
  2. Begging (or panhandling in the US) is to request a donation in a supplicating manner. Beggars are commonly found in public places such as street corners or public transport, where they request money, most commonly in the form of spare change. ...