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beseech 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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beseeched, past participle; besought, past participle; beseeches, 3rd person singular present; besought, past tense; beseeching, present participle; beseeched, past tense;
  1. Ask (someone) urgently and fervently to do something; implore; entreat
    • - they beseeched him to stay
    • - “You have got to believe me,” Gloria beseeched him
    • - they earnestly beseeched his forgiveness
    • - a beseeching gaze

  1. bid: ask for or request earnestly; "The prophet bid all people to become good persons"
  2. (beseeching) begging
  3. Beseech was the name of a Gothic metal band from Borås, Sweden. The group has disbanded and have actually formed two other bands, TWDSO (also known as Those We Don't Speak Of) and The Mary Major.
  4. (Beseeching) Begging (or panhandling in the US) is to request a donation in a supplicating manner. Beggars are commonly found in public places such as street corners or public transport, where they request money, most commonly in the form of spare change. ...
  5. A request; To beg or implore
  6. to ask (someone) earnestly; entreat; implore.