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bereft 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Deprived of or lacking something, esp. a nonmaterial asset,
  1. Deprived of or lacking something, esp. a nonmaterial asset
    • - her room was stark and bereft of color
  2. (of a person) Lonely and abandoned, esp. through someone's death or departure
    • - his death in 1990 left her bereft

  1. unhappy in love; suffering from unrequited love
  2. bereaved: sorrowful through loss or deprivation; "bereft of hope"
  3. Bereft is a 2004 film written by Peter Ferland and directed by Tim Daly and J. Clark Mathis. Bereft is the first film Daly directed. It stars Vinessa Shaw, Michael C. ...
  4. pained by the loss of someone; deprived of, lacking, stripped of, robbed of
  5. (bereftness) The quality of being bereft
  6. n. 1. Those who have lost a child. i.e., just as one might say, "I am a widow" or "I am an orphan," likewise a parent whose child has died would say, "I am a bereft." (Contributor note: Wendy writes about why she chose this word and says, "... ...
  7. To be bereft of something is not to lack it but to be dispossessed of it, to lose it. A spinster is not bereft of a husband, but a widow is. (The word is the past participle of bereave.) (37)