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benzoin 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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A fragrant gum resin obtained from a tropical tree of eastern Asia, used in medicines, perfumes, and incense,
  1. A fragrant gum resin obtained from a tropical tree of eastern Asia, used in medicines, perfumes, and incense

  2. A white crystalline aromatic ketone present in this resin

  1. gum resin used especially in treating skin irritation
  2. used in some classifications for the American spicebush and certain other plants often included in the genus Lindera
  3. Benzoin is an organic compound with the formula PhCH(OH)C(O)Ph. It is a hydroxy ketone attached to two phenyl groups. It appears as off-white crystals, with a light camphor-like odor. Benzoin is synthesized from benzaldehyde in the benzoin condensation. It is chiral
  4. A resinous substance, dry and brittle, obtained from the Styrax benzoin, a tree of Sumatra, Java, etc., having a fragrant odor, and slightly aromatic taste. ...
  5. a balsamic resin from the Styrax tree.
  6. A euphoric essential oil, used to ease nervous tension and stress-related complaints.
  7. لبان جاوي labān jāwī, "frankincense of Java". Benzoin is an organic chemical solvent extracted from a resin of an Asian tree.
  8. Tree resin. Natural preservative. Delays oxidation and spoilage. it helps bond and preserve fragrance in many products. Gum benzoin is a natural source of benzoic acid and benzoic acid esters. It has a faint odor of vanilla, Sticky.