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benumbing 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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benumbs, 3rd person singular present; benumbed, past participle; benumbing, present participle; benumbed, past tense;
  1. Deprive of physical or emotional feeling
    • - a hoarse shout cut through his benumbed senses

  1. (benumb) numb: make numb or insensitive; "The shock numbed her senses"
  2. (benumbed) asleep(p): lacking sensation; "my foot is asleep"; "numb with cold"
  3. (benumbed) dulled: having lost or been caused to lose interest because of overexposure; "the mind of the audience is becoming dulled"; "the benumbed intellectual faculties can no longer respond"
  4. Anesthesia, or anaesthesia (see spelling differences; from Greek αν-, an-, "without"; and αἴσθησις, aisthēsis, "sensation"), has traditionally meant the condition of having (including the feeling of pain) blocked or temporarily taken away. ...
  5. Benümb was a grindcore band from the San Francisco Bay Area.