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benignant 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Kindly and benevolent,
  1. Kindly and benevolent
    • - an old man, with a face noble and benignant
  2. Having a good effect; beneficial
    • - the benignant touch of love and beauty

  1. benign: pleasant and beneficial in nature or influence; "a benign smile"; "the benign sky"; "the benign influence of pure air"
  2. characterized by kindness and warm courtesy especially of a king to his subjects; "our benignant king"
  3. (benignancy) benignity: the quality of being kind and gentle
  4. Benignity (Latin bene- = "well" and "-ignis" = "fire"), is a medical term used to describe a condition that is harmless.
  5. Kind; gracious; favorable
  6. kindly or gracious, sometimes in a patronizing way.