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benevolence 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. disposition to do good
  2. an inclination to do kind or charitable acts
  3. an act intending or showing kindness and good will
  4. (benevolent) charitable: showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity; "was charitable in his opinions of others"; "kindly criticism"; "a kindly act"; "sympathetic words"; "a large-hearted mentor"
  5. (benevolent) generous in providing aid to others
  6. (benevolently) in a benevolent manner; "she looked on benevolently"
  7. Benevolence is a faculty in the discredited theory of Phrenology.
  8. (Benevolent) To be helpful, friendly.
  9. (BENEVOLENT) Click to check definition belief that God is good/kind.
  10. (BENEVOLENT) Philanthropic; humane, having a desire or purpose to do good to men; intended for the conferring of benefits, rather than for gain or profit; loving others and active desirous of their well being.
  11. (Benevolent) an attribute of unselfish concern for the welfare of those He loves.
  12. (benevolent) An individual who is comfortable with an equity ratio less than that of his or her comparison other.
  13. (benevolent) KIND, that is, (2h)[B], POs > signer, FOs ><, DH revolves around NDH. (< wrapping a bandage as an act of kindness.)
  14. (benevolent) characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings
  15. (benevolent) رحیم۔ کریم۔ رحم دل۔ مہربان۔ مشفق۔ شفیق۔ کرپال۔ دیالو۔ ہتکاری۔ بامروت۔ پریمی
  16. Benevolent means 'wanting to do good'. Many of the charities set up to help people in particular trades or professions are called Benevolent Societies. They are able to fund organisations that are 'philanthropic or benevolent' even if those groups aren't registered charities.
  17. (n.): in this case, a generous or thoughtful gift
  18. a philosophic belief in the innate goodness of humanity and the corresponding belief that humans have an obligation to use their natural instincts of love and charity; benevolence (or "sensibility") is particularly prominent in sentimental comedies, domestic tragedies, and many melodramas.
  19. helpfulness; honesty; forgiveness; loyalty; responsibility; friendship
  20. Disposition to kindness, generosity, and goodwill towards one’s fellow human beings. Oxford Dictionary
  21. desire to do good to others; goodwill; charitableness
  22. To give joyously without thought of reward, said of God’s giving nature.
  23. Kindheartedness, generous giving.
  24. To do good and be charitable.