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benefices 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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benefices, plural;
  1. A permanent Church appointment, typically that of a rector or vicar, for which property and income are provided in respect of pastoral duties

  1. (benefice) an endowed church office giving income to its holder
  2. (beneficed) having a benefice; "a beneficed clergyman"
  3. Originally a benefice was a gift of land (precaria) for life as a reward for services rendered. The word comes from the Latin noun beneficium, meaning "benefit". A concept used by the Roman Catholic Church, it was abandoned by Protestantism (except in the Church of England).
  4. (benefice) Land granted to a priest in a church that has a source of income attached to it; To bestow a benefice upon
  5. (Benefice) (L. beneficium)     1) A grant of land given to a member of the aristocracy, a bishop, or a monastery, for limited or hereditary use in exchange for services. In ecclesiastic terms, a benefice is a church office that returns revenue. 2) The grant made by a lord, usually of land. ...
  6. (benefice) ecclesiastical living
  7. (BENEFICE) the position occupied by a clergyman in a parish. As he received a stipend, it had a value and was treated as a property which the owner of the benefice (usually the lord of the manor) could confer. Also known as a living. See also advowson.
  8. (Benefice) A church living, especially with cure of souls.
  9. (Benefice) A collection of land, rights, buildings, and/or communities given by a lord to his vassal, providing the vassal's material support, in exchange for military service and counsel.
  10. (Benefice) The grant made by a lord, usually of land.
  11. (benefice) A position, generally ecclesiastical, that provides income and other renumeration in return for the fulfillment of duties, e.g. the office of parish priest.
  12. (benefice) Payment for performing the duties of an ecclesiastical office (GP 291, 507; Nun's Priest 3316).
  13. (benefice) a Church office, typically that of a rector or vicar, for which property and income are provided in respect of pastoral duties.
  14. (benefice) the means of generating an income to support a priest