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benefic 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Beneficent or kindly,
  1. Beneficent or kindly

  2. Relating to or denoting the planets Jupiter and Venus, traditionally considered to have a favorable influence

  1. exerting a favorable or beneficent influence; "a benefic star"; "a benefic force"
  2. In astrology, a benefic planet, or simply benefic, is considered to be very positive influence. Traditionally, Jupiter is considered to be the greater benefic, while Venus has been assigned the position of the lesser benefic. ...
  3. The belief among certain astrologers that some planets, especially Jupiter and Venus, are positive and beneficial influences, while others like Mars or Uranus are destructive. See “Malefic.”
  4. A planet, that without much effort on an individuals part is naturally beneficial and conducive to life. A planet that moderates or balances.
  5. An aspect or planet that is believed to bring good look or positive things to the native.
  6. Venus and Jupiter are the planets indicating fortune and benefits.