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benedictions 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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benedictions, plural;
  1. The utterance or bestowing of a blessing, esp. at the end of a religious service

  2. A service in which the congregation is blessed with the Blessed Sacrament, held mainly in the Roman Catholic Church

  3. Devout or formal invocation of blessedness
    • - her arms outstretched in benediction
  4. The state of being blessed
    • - he eventually wins benediction

  1. (benediction) blessing: the act of praying for divine protection
  2. (benedictory) expressing benediction
  3. A benediction (Latin: bene, well + dicere, to speak) is a short invocation for divine help, blessing and guidance, usually at the end of worship service.
  4. (Benediction (band)) Benediction is a British death metal band from Birmingham, England. They were formed in February 1989.
  5. (Benediction (story)) "Benediction" is a short story by American author F. Scott Fitzgerald, first published in 1920 in Fitzgerald's short story collection Flappers and Philosophers. ...
  6. (Benediction) (Lat. “blessings to glorify God”). The closing blessing offered by a clergyman at the end of a service or other activity.
  7. (Benediction) The pastor asks for God's blessing on the congregation. This is done at the end of the worship service.
  8. (Benediction) in general means any act or pronouncement of blessing. In Protestant church services the benediction is usually pronounced at the end of the service. It may be improvised by the minister or specified by the official books of the church.
  9. (BENEDICTION) A priest holds up a monstrance containing a consecrated Host (a large communion wafer). He makes the sign of the cross with the monstrance, and pronounces a blessing. Catholics perceive this as having been blessed by Jesus Christ Himself. ...
  10. (BENEDICTION) Any blessing by a Bishop or priest. A Service of devotion to Our Lord present in the Blessed Sacrament.
  11. (BENEDICTION) Literally, "good word"; blessing. Benedictions were given by Christ (Luke 24:50, 51) and by the Apostles (2 Cor. 13:14), and are given by the bishop or priest at the close of every Divine Liturgy.
  12. (Benediction) A "blessing" in the name of God often combined with a "commission" to go forth to do God’s work.
  13. (Benediction) A short exposition of the Eucharist for adoration and blessing of the faithful.
  14. (Benediction) A short service in which the consecrated Host is placed in a monstrance where it can be seen and venerated by the people.
  15. (benediction [beh-neh-DIK-shun]) a blessing or invocation, usually at the end of a liturgy, meeting, or event. from two Latin words that mean "good speech"
  16. (benediction) A blessing, especially a spoken one. See: blessing.
  17. (benediction) A statement of God’s blessing conferred on a person or group by his designated human agent, such as an OT priest or NT apostle.
  18. (bénédiction) blessing; used in the same context as bénissant (qv).
  19. A benediction or blessing is an authoritative pronouncement of God’s favour. Examples in the Old Testament is the blessing of Isaac in Genesis 27, liturgical (q. v.) blessings of people in Numbers 6:22-27, and liturgical blessings of things, such as food, in 1 Samuel 9:13. ...