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bends 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bends, 3rd person singular present; bent, past tense; bending, present participle; bent, past participle;
  1. Shape or force (something straight) into a curve or angle
    • - the rising wind bent the long grass
  2. (of something straight) Be shaped or forced into a curve or angle
    • - the oar bent as Lance heaved angrily at it
  3. (of a road, river, or path) Deviate from a straight line in a specified direction; have a sharply curved course
    • - the road bent left and then right
    • - the river slowly bends around Davenport
  4. Force or be forced to submit
    • - they want to bend me to their will
    • - a refusal to bend to mob rule
  5. (of a person) Incline the body downward from the vertical
    • - he bent down and picked her up
    • - I bent over my plate
    • - he bent to tie his shoelaces
  6. Move (a jointed part of the body) to an angled position
    • - extend your left leg and bend your right
    • - Irene bent her head over her work
  7. Interpret or modify (a rule) to suit oneself or somebody else
    • - we cannot bend the rules, even for Darren
  8. Direct or devote (one's attention or energies) to a task
    • - Eric bent all his efforts to persuading them to donate some blankets
    • - she bent once more to the task of diverting the wedding guests
  9. Attach (a sail or rope) by means of a knot
    • - sailors were bending sails to the spars
  1. An ordinary in the form of a broad diagonal stripe from top left (dexter chief) to bottom right (sinister base) of a shield or part of one

  1. decompression sickness: pain resulting from rapid change in pressure
  2. (bend) a circular segment of a curve; "a bend in the road"; "a crook in the path"
  3. (bend) form a curve; "The stick does not bend"
  4. (bend) change direction; "The road bends"
  5. (bend) curved segment (of a road or river or railroad track etc.)
  6. (bend) flex: cause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked or angular form; "bend the rod"; "twist the dough into a braid"; "the strong man could turn an iron bar"
  7. The Bends is the second album by English alternative rock band Radiohead, released on 13 March 1995. The Bends was produced by John Leckie at EMI's studios in London, and engineered by Nigel Godrich, who would go on to produce all future albums by the band. ...
  8. (Bend (guitar)) Finger vibrato is vibrato produced on a string instrument by cyclic hand movements. Despite the name, normally the entire hand moves, and sometimes the entire upper arm. ...
  9. (Bend (knot)) This is a list of types of bend knots. A bend knot is a knot used to join two lengths of rope. Although the reef knot can be used in this way, it is insecure when used as a bend and so is not classed as one.
  10. (Bend (music)) In music, a glissando (plural: glissandi, abbreviated gliss.) is a from one pitch to another. It is an Italianized musical term derived from the French glisser, to glide. In some contexts it is distinguished from the portamento. ...
  11. (Bend (OR)) Bend is the county seat of Deschutes County, Oregon, United States, and the principal city of the Bend, Oregon Metropolitan Statistical Area. ...
  12. (Bending) In engineering mechanics, bending (also known as flexure) characterizes the behavior of a slender structural element subjected to an external load applied perpendicularly to an longitudinal axis of the element. ...
  13. A condition of bubbles in the blood which sometimes occurs during ascent; The thickest and strongest planks in a wooden ship's side, wales
  14. A sometimes fatal condition resulting from the formation of nitrogen bubbles in the blood and tissues, because of too rapid decompression, seen especially in deep-sea divers ascending rapidly from a dive. ...
  15. (bend) A curve; Any of the various knots which join the ends of two lines; A severe condition caused by excessively quick decompression, causing bubbles of nitrogen to form in the blood; decompression sickness; One of the honourable ordinaries formed by two diagonal lines drawn from the ...
  16. (bending) A motion or action that bends
  17. (Bend) (c19th) Leather, about ¼" or more thick such as is used for shoe soles, used by poorer women.  No stays were necessary because the leather was so stiff.
  18. (bend) A type of knot used to connect a line to a spar or another line. Also the act of using such a knot.
  19. (Bend) a geometric form with two diagonal lines from dexter chief to sinister base
  20. (Bend) One of the honourable ordinaries, is formed by two parallel diagonal lines, drawn from the dexter chief to the sinister base. It contains one third of the field. If depicted the reverse way, i.e. from sinister chief to dexter base, it is termed a Bend Sinister, which must be so expressed. ...
  21. (Bend) To fasten by means of a knot.
  22. (Bend) This refers to the lateral bend (left & right) of the horse through his entire body, from the poll to the tail.
  23. (bend) knot for joining two lines
  24. (Bend) The laterally arced position in which the horse's body appears to form an even curve from poll to tail. Examples of faulty bend are: bending only in the neck, only at the base of the neck, or bent the wrong direction.
  25. (bend) half  a cattle hide butt, obtained by dividing it along the line of the backbone.