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bellying 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bellied, past tense; bellying, present participle; bellies, 3rd person singular present; bellied, past participle;
  1. Swell; bulge
    • - as she leaned forward her pullover bellied out
  2. Cause to swell or bulge
    • - the wind bellied the sail out
  3. Move or sit close to (a bar or table)
    • - regulars who first bellied up to the bar years before

  1. bellied: curving outward
  2. (bellied) having a belly; often used in combination
  3. (bellied) Describing a stone purposely cut with extra weight around the girdle, yielding a bulbous outline.
  4. (Bellied) Swelling, or bulging in a continuous line.