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bellman 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bellmen, plural;
  1. A town crier

  1. bellboy: someone employed as an errand boy and luggage carrier around hotels
  2. The Thursday Next series by Jasper Fforde currently consists of the novels The Eyre Affair, Lost in a Good Book, The Well of Lost Plots, Something Rotten and First Among Sequels.
  3. (Bellmen) Men who worked on the conveyor belts or rope haulage signalling system.
  4. employed as a watchman or town crier or who worked for the post office and collected letters for the mail coach by walking the streets and ringing a bell
  5. (3) man who summoned condemned prisoners
  6. bellmen rang bells to announce a death in Elizabethean times
  7. Fortune is hurrying after you. Questions of importance will be settled amicably among disputants. To see him looking sad some sorrowful event or misfortune may soon follow.
  8. a Town Crier, a Watchman or a person who collected coach mail by ringing a bell which attracted people’s attention.