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belittle 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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belittling, present participle; belittled, past tense; belittled, past participle; belittles, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Make (someone or something) seem unimportant
    • - this is not to belittle his role
    • - she felt belittled

  1. minimize: cause to seem less serious; play down; "Don't belittle his influence"
  2. disparage: express a negative opinion of; "She disparaged her student's efforts"
  3. diminish: lessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of; "don't belittle your colleagues"
  4. (belittled) made to seem smaller or less (especially in worth); "her comments made me feel small"
  5. denigration: a belittling comment
  6. (belittling) tending to diminish or disparage; "belittling comments"; "managed a deprecating smile at the compliment"; "deprecatory remarks about the book"; "a slighting remark"
  7. To knowingly say that something is smaller or less important than it actually is
  8. Use to make someone or something less important.
  9. to speak of as having little value or worth.