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belabor 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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belabouring, present participle; belaboured, past tense; belabors, 3rd person singular present; belabored, past tense; belabored, past participle; belaboured, past participle; belaboring, present participle; belabours, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Argue or elaborate (a subject) in excessive detail
    • - critics thought they belabored the obvious
  2. Attack or assault (someone) physically or verbally
    • - Tyndale seized every opportunity to belabor the Roman Church

  1. to work at or to absurd length; "belabor the obvious"
  2. attack verbally with harsh criticism; "She was belabored by her fellow students"
  3. belabour: beat soundly
  4. Alternative spelling of belabour