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beings 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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beings, plural;
  1. Existence
    • - the railway brought many towns into being
    • - the moment when the universe came into being
  2. Living; being alive
    • - holism promotes a unified way of being
  3. The nature or essence of a person
    • - sometimes one aspect of our being has been developed at the expense of the others
  4. A real or imaginary living creature, esp. an intelligent one
    • - animals regarded as primitive beings
    • - alien beings
  5. A human being
    • - she felt anxiety about so small and vulnerable a being
    • - a rational being
  6. A supernatural entity
    • - a being who had made all things

  1. Being (i.e. ''''+-ing, by synecdoche), is an English word used for conceptualizing subjective aspects fundamental to the self —related to and somewhat interchangeable with terms like "existence" and "living". ...
  2. There are many different kinds of visible and invisible beings in the universe. Some are visible to ordinary beings with the naked eye and some only with powerful microscopes. Some are only visible to very highly evolved beings or to those we consider to be “psychic. ...
  3. The 9 worlds of: sattāvāsa (q.v.).