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beige 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Of a pale sandy yellowish-brown color,
  1. Of a pale sandy yellowish-brown color
    • - the beige tiles of the kitchen floor
  1. A pale sandy yellowish-brown
    • - tones of beige, green, and orange
    • - in matching ecrus and beiges

  1. a very light brown
  2. of a light greyish-brown color
  3. Beige is a very pale yellowish-cream color.
  4. Beige is an album by the Canadian comedy music group, The Arrogant Worms. It was released in February 2006.
  5. A slightly yellowish gray colour, as that of unbleached wool; Having a slightly yellowish gray colour, as that of unbleached wool
  6. Beige folk; see "normie"
  7. a variable color averaging light grayish yellowish brown.  cloth made of natural undyed wool.
  8. A variant of Brown, it is one of the many client-side effects of Trainers.
  9. Raffa RB et al The combined immunological and antinociceptive defects of beige-J mice: the possible existence of a 'mu-repressin'. Life Sciences 52: 1-8 (1993); Roder J The beige mutation in the mouse. I. A stem cell predetermined impairment in natural killer cell function. ...
  10. Neutrality; detachment / Weak communication
  11. symbolizes the need for tolerance / acceptance. Quite often beige appears in dreams as an antidote to white. It asks the dreamer to be less critical of themselves and others. A woman wearing a beige blouse in a dream asks you to accept your mother as she is. ...
  12. Light brown, all the way to the skin, with beige feet and ears. Trader Joe's paper-bag-brown color. Eyes are pink.
  13. a sandy, grayish tan; the color of unbleached wool.